Editing Services

Make every word count.

You choose your words with care.

When we write for a reader, sometimes we are so caught up telling the story we fail to see what remains unclear. The ideas so granular in our own minds stumble on the page and confuse the reader. Here’s what you need:

a fresh pair of eyes and a red pen.

Here’s where I come in. As a fellow writer who knows the importance of good editing (both by myself and by others), I am here to take your work to the next level. While it’s never easy to see our work come under critique, I offer not only grammatical analysis but content direction for clarity and cohesion.

If you would like to work with me, please request a quote using the button below, and we can discuss your goals and my rates.

Here’s what past clients have to say:

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Trusting someone to look at our work before we feel it's ready for the public and to give feedback is one of the most vulnerable things we do as writers.  Of course we love a friend who will always say it's awesome, but that's not super helpful.  We can hire someone who will fix all our commas and grammar, but you can get that from a free program. 

What I'm looking for in an editor is someone who will tell me the awesome parts, fix my grammar, but who also sees the heart of what I'm saying and helps me to draw that out.  Someone who edits with my reader in mind.

This is exactly what I found with Thelma.

Within the past few months, she has helped me get my book proposal to a point where I was proud to start sending it out for public viewing.  In her comments she cheered me on, made my sentences stronger, but also drew me out into deeper, more beautiful writing.  She took a very vulnerable process and made it a great pleasure. 

By the end of your time together, you'll not only have gained valuable insight, you'll feel like you gained a friend.

Jennifer Holmes