More of the same…
For those outside of a normative annual calendar and for whom September looks very much like April, seasonal change can often signal more of the same. For those waiting for the endless train of ‘this season’ to pull into the station so they can disembark and start a better journey, the promised brevity of seasonal change feels like a swift punch of denial.
On trust and control
I grew up believing God’s sovereignty demanded trust, but I failed to understand why the opposite of control is not trust. Trust is not a hard-wired instinct within the human psyche in the face of power. Not even infinite power. Trust is a process, developed within relationship, and requires a profound confidence in the goodness of the one wielding the power.
You cannot bully someone into trust. You can, however, bully someone into performative obedience.
On marriage
The longer I am married the less I know and the more astonished I am by the ties that bind.
For today – this very moment – I choose yes.
May the Lord make me faithful.
On the spaces we inhabit…
I want the spaces where I place my words to be as intentional as the four walls where I spend the hours of my life: invitational, open, cozy. It is difficult these days to know how to curate such a space into a lifegiving opportunity for those who want to talk about how grief and joy hold hands.
Not Just Baby
See, this thing called infertility isn't just about the baby. It’s not just the cycle of cycle after hope and disappointment; it is more than the scent of newborn head or the long nights of rocking and pacing. Of the 3-5% of couples who do not go on to resolve their childlessness through birth or adoption, infertility is really a lifetime of hearing the word 'No.'
Whatever Your Story
I don’t know your story. I do know that Jesus invites the burdened and the weary to come to Him, and I’m pretty sure that’s the whole lot of mankind. Every one of us, bowed down under the breaking load of a broken world. Beauty ripe for redemption. Rest and joy whistling in the wings.